Week 1: Introduction and Historical Context

Objective: Understand the historical context and current issues surrounding police encounters in the Black community.

  • Session 1: Introduction to the program, goals, and expectations.

  • Session 2: Historical overview of policing in Black communities.

  • Session 3: Current statistics and trends in police encounters.

  • Session 4: Open discussion and sharing personal experiences.

Week 2: Understanding Your Rights

Objective: Learn about legal rights during police encounters.

  • Session 1: Overview of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  • Session 2: Detailed explanation of the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure).

  • Session 3: Detailed explanation of the Fifth Amendment (self-incrimination).

  • Session 4: Role-playing scenarios to practice asserting rights calmly and clearly.

Week 3: Effective Communication Techniques

Objective: Develop communication skills to de-escalate encounters.

  • Session 1: Importance of calm and clear communication.

  • Session 2: Non-verbal communication tips (body language, facial expressions).

  • Session 3: De-escalation techniques (tone of voice, choice of words).

  • Session 4: Role-playing exercises to practice communication techniques.

Week 4: Safety Strategies During Traffic Stops

Objective: Learn specific strategies for handling traffic stops safely.

  • Session 1: What to do when you are pulled over.

  • Session 2: How to interact with officers during a traffic stop.

  • Session 3: Understanding the officer’s perspective and procedures.

  • Session 4: Role-playing traffic stop scenarios.

Week 5: Documentation and Evidence

Objective: Understand the importance of documenting encounters.

  • Session 1: When and how to record police encounters legally.

  • Session 2: Using smartphone apps and other tools for documentation.

  • Session 3: Gathering and preserving evidence.

  • Session 4: Role-playing exercises to practice documenting encounters.

Week 6: Legal Recourse and Support Systems

Objective: Learn about legal recourse and support systems available.

  • Session 1: Overview of the legal process after a police encounter.

  • Session 2: Finding and working with legal representation.

  • Session 3: Community organizations and support systems.

  • Session 4: Case studies of successful legal actions and support outcomes.

Week 7: Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

Objective: Address the emotional and psychological impact of police encounters.

  • Session 1: Recognizing and coping with trauma.

  • Session 2: Resources for mental health support.

  • Session 3: Techniques for managing stress and anxiety.

  • Session 4: Group discussion and support session.

Week 8: Review, Feedback, and Moving Forward

Objective: Consolidate learning, gather feedback, and plan for future actions.

  • Session 1: Review of key concepts and strategies learned.

  • Session 2: Feedback session: what worked, what can be improved.

  • Session 3: Planning personal safety strategies moving forward.

  • Session 4: Graduation ceremony and distribution of resources (handbooks, contact lists).

Additional Resources:

  • Guest Speakers: Invite legal experts, mental health professionals, and community leaders.

  • Materials: Handouts, booklets, and access to online resources.

  • Support: Offer continued support through community groups and follow-up sessions.

Program Implementation:

  • Facilitators: Trained professionals with experience in law, mental health, and community organizing.

  • Venue: Accessible and safe community centers.

  • Schedule: Weekly sessions, each lasting 1.5-2 hours.

  • Participants: Open to Black individuals of all ages, with targeted outreach to at-risk youth.

This program aims to empower participants with knowledge, practical skills, and support systems to navigate police encounters more safely and confidently.